You demand, we deliver
Power Generation
Power Generation
Energy storage on the generation side is primarily used for peak shaving, dynamic support, system frequency regulation, and the integration of renewable energy sources. Leveraging the high reliability and consistency of its batteries, powerful Battery Management Systems (BMS), and rapid commissioning compatibility, Hithium Energy Storage Systems help stabilize the grid, optimize power generation output curves, and reduce wind and solar curtailment. They also provide system inertia and frequency regulation, thereby increasing the proportion of renewable energy generation. This comprehensive approach optimizes the energy structure and enhances overall grid efficiency.
Power Grid
Power Grid
Grid energy storage stations can provide frequency regulation, alleviate transmission congestion, and offer peak load shifting services. Hithium Energy Storage offers high-safety power storage solutions based on core technology needs for power systems (transmission and distribution), assisting large grids with peak shaving and frequency regulation services, providing dynamic expansion for transmission hubs, and balancing regional grid loads to ensure reliable and stable grid operation.
Comprehensive Industry Chain Map
We have core technological advantages and forward-looking R&D capabilities across the entire industry chain, including material development, battery production, system integration, and battery recycling, creating a complete lifecycle value chain for energy storage.
Comprehensive Safety Assurance:
Our energy storage systems are enhanced with high-standard material selection, advanced battery safety system design, reliable system design, digital intelligent management systems, and rigorous quality control, ensuring comprehensive safety;
Global Delivery System
Leveraging our proprietary R&D, manufacturing capabilities, and supply chain advantages within a global operational framework, we offer integrated energy storage solutions and customized services through localized strategies and a thorough service system
Recommended Products
∞Power 6.25MWh 4h US
Application Altitude ≤4,000 m (≤13123 ft)
Dimensions (L x W x H): 6,058 x 2,438 x 2,896 mm (238.5 x 96.0 x 114.0 in)
Certificates and Reports: UL 1973, UL 9540A, UL 9540, NFPA 855
High PCS compatibility: String or Central PCS compatible
ESS Container 5.016MWh US
Application Altitude ≤4,000 m (≤13123 ft)
Dimensions (L x W x H) :6,058 x2,438 x2,896 mm (238.5 x 96.0x114.0 in)
Certificates and Reports: IEC 62619, IEC 62477, IEC 63056, IEC 61000
UL1973, UL 9540A, NFPA 855
Protection Level: IP 55
ESS Container 4.180MWh US
Application Altitude ≤4,000 m (≤13123 ft)
Dimensions (LxW x H) :6,058 x2,438 x2,896 mm (238.5 x 96.0 x 114.0 in)
Certificates and Reports: IEC 62619, IEC 62477, IEC 63056, IEC 61000
UL1973, UL 9540A, NFPA 855
Protection Level: IP 55
ESS Container 3.44MWh US
Application Altitude ≤3,000 m (≤9843 ft)
Safety Certificates: IEC 62619, IEC 62477, IEC 63056, IEC 61000,
UL 1973, UL 9540A, NFPA 855
Dimensions (L x W x H) :6,058 x 2,438 x 2,896 mm (238.5 x 96.0 x 114.0 in)
ESS Module 104kWh
Application Altitude ≤4,000 m (≤13123 ft)
Product certifications: IEC 62619 (cell level), UL 1973, UL 9540A, UN 38.3
Dimensions (L x W x H) : 800 x 2,184 x 243 mm (31.5 x 86.0 x 9.6 in)
∞Cell 1175Ah US
Designed for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) systems
Product certifications*: IEC 62619,UL 9540A UL 1973, UN 38.3
Ultra wide operating temperature range
Cell Model: MC1175P025A
ESS Cell 314Ah US
No fire or explosion during nail penetration and crush tests
Product certifications: IEC 62619,UL9540A, UL1973,GB/T 36276, UN 38.3
Ultra wide operating temperature range
Cell Model: LFP71173207/314Ah
ESS Cell 280Ah US
No fire or explosion during nail penetration and crush tests
Product certifications, IEC 62619, UL 9540A, UL 1973, GB/T 36276, UN 38.3
Ultra wide operating temperature range
Cell Model: LFP71173207/280Ah
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