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Hithium launches Eastern Europe's largest BESS Project

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium has successfully deployed the largest battery energy storage system (BESS) project in Eastern Europe to date, with a capacity of 55MWh. This solar plus storage project was realized completely by EPC company Solarpro, in Razlog, Southwestern Bulgaria, where the project is located.

09. 7. 2024

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Hithium and Maxxen cooperate in exclusive strategic partnership in Türkiye

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium and Maxxen, a 100 percent subsidiary of Kontek Energy, which has 30 years of energy industry experience have announced their exclusive strategic partnership at the Turkey launch of this cooperation on May 17, 2024, in Istanbul, Türkiye.

20. 5. 2024

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Hithium hosts roundtable at the BNEF summit New York, discussing next generation battery energy storage system


From April 16th to 17th, the BloombergNEF (BNEF) Summit was held in New York, USA. The BNEF Summit brings together energy, finance, and technology professionals to facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and connections. Hithium's first time attending after its global launch in 2023. Hithium was also invited to host a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Next Generation Battery Energy Storage System: Latest Technology Trends and Impact on Project Economics." led by Hithium Director of Global Applications Engineering, Neil Bradshaw. The discussion focused on the future development trends of energy storage and included insights on Hithium's technology innovations, global application practices, and international development for global energy green transformation.

24. 4. 2024

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Hithium ranks in 2023’s Top 5 for global BESS shipments

Hithium has been ranked among the top five battery manufacturers in terms of energy storage products shipped in 2023 in a new analysis of 2023 stationary energy storage manufacturer shipments by the China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA). In addition, ranked as the No. 2 for utility-scale projects in its home market of China released by ESSA. Founded in 2019 with a focus exclusively on stationary batteries, Hithium first shipped products in 2022.

10. 4. 2024

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Hithium to supply Powin with 5GWh battery cells

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium has signed on to supply 5GWh of battery capacity to global energy storage platform provider Powin, LLC. The duration of the deal is three years, with the two companies having signed their first agreement earlier in 2023 for the delivery of at least 1.5GWh. Hithium will provide Powin with the agreed-upon energy storage capacity in the form of its 300Ah lithium ferro phosphate (LFP) cells.

16. 1. 2024

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Product News Comunicato stampa

At “Eco-Day” Hithium emphasizes sustainability commitments

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium opened its new smart production plant in Chongqing, China, to visitors and employees with a daylong event focused on the company’s sustainability achievements and goals. The key focus was on the ways that Hithium is meeting its commitment to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 7.

12. 12. 2023

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Il produttore di batterie Hithium apre un nuovo stabilimento produttivo intelligente

Lo specialista nell’accumulo energetico stazionario Hithium ha avviato la prima fase di una nuova capacità produttiva di 28GWh con l'entrata in funzione dell'impianto di Chongqing, in Cina. Il nuovo stabilimento è progettato per rispettare e superare gli standard intelligenti dell’industria 4.0, incluso un aumento del 26% dei processi automatizzati rispetto alla tradizionale linea di produzione dell’industria 3.0.

08. 12. 2023

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Solarpro and Hithium collaborate on largest BESS project in southeast Europe

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium and solar project EPC provider Solarpro have announced a strategic partnership, with their first project to come in Bulgaria. Hithium has agreed to supply the battery products to a 55 MWh energy storage project, for which Solarpro is providing turnkey EPC services.

14. 11. 2023

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Il produttore di batterie Hithium sarà riassicurato da Munich RE

Munich RE ha accettato di fornire la riassicurazione della garanzia per i sistemi di accumulo di energia (ESS) del produttore di batterie stazionarie Hithium. Il riassicuratore coprirà sia la garanzia di prodotto che quella di prestazione. L’accordo ridurrà quindi il rischio per i proprietari del progetto ESS e per Hithium, fornendo copertura ai proprietari del sistema anche in caso di insolvenza del produttore tutelando al contempo Hithium da costi di garanzia eccessivi e proteggendo il bilancio aziendale.

26. 10. 2023

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Impianto di produzione delle batterie Hithium certificato carbon neutral

Lo stabilimento produttivo presso la sede centrale di Xiamen del produttore di batterie stazionarie Hithium ha ricevuto la certificazione PAS 2060 per la Carbon Neutrality riconosciuta a livello globale (numero certificato: 0412TZH01106). Secondo TÜV Süd, questo standard di certificazione si basa su metodologie consolidate per calcolare l’impronta ecologica dell’impianto (come il GHG Protocol e la norma ISO 14064) e valuta, ove necessario, l’impatto dei certificati di compensazione di alta qualità provenienti da progetti climatici (tra cui CDM, JI, GS e VCS).

28. 9. 2023

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Hithium and CES expand ESS partnership with after-sales cooperation

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium has officially signed an After-sales Service Cooperation Authorization Agreement with renewable energy project O&M services provider Clean Energy Services (CES).

27. 9. 2023

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Hithium annuncia il primo container da 5 MWh con una densità energetica superiore del 46%

Hithium ha annunciato un nuovo prodotto: un container di 5 megawattora (MWh) di potenza dalla struttura standard di 20 piedi. Il sistema di accumulo dell’energia ad alta capacità di seconda generazione (ESS 2.0), più compatto, sarà consegnato pre-installato e pronto per il collegamento. Equipaggiato con 48 moduli batteria basati sulle nuove celle da 314 Ah LFP prodotte dall’azienda, con una capacità di 104,5 kWh fornita da ogni modulo, è progettato per soddisfare le esigenze dei sistemi su larga scala.

12. 9. 2023

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Top inverter suppliers confirm BESS manufacturer Hithium’s compatibility

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium has demonstrated technical compatibility with major suppliers of power control systems (PCS) or bidirectional inverters. As a producer of cells, battery modules, up to full DC-side solutions, Hithium teams up with PCS suppliers on systems and projects. The manufacturer has worked with a range of inverter-makers to confirm that the company’s battery products match well with their products’ important technical parameters, including DC input range and maximum short circuit current.

08. 8. 2023

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Hithium fornisce sistemi di accumulo di energia da 140 MWh per un impianto autonomo

Il produttore di batterie stazionarie Hithium è stato il principale fornitore del primo progetto di accumulo di energia autonomo lato rete con una potenza superiore a 100 MWh della China Southern Power Grid Company. Ubicato a Meizhou, nella provincia del Guangdong, l’impianto ha una capacità di accumulo di 140 MWh e utilizza batterie LFP avanzate Hithium. La centrale elettrica è inoltre la prima al mondo a essere interamente fornita di prodotti di accumulo di energia raffreddati a liquido a immersione, facendone una delle applicazioni più importanti della tecnologia di raffreddamento a liquido più sicura ed efficiente di Hithium. Dopo una fase costruttiva durata soli quattro mesi dall’avvio dei lavori fino a un funzionamento di prova, l’impianto è in grado di erogare quasi 81 milioni di kWh l’anno.

20. 7. 2023

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AIG sottoscriverà i prodotti di accumulo di energia Hithium

Il produttore di batterie stazionarie agli ioni di litio Hithium ha firmato una polizza di responsabilità civile globale con la filiale cinese della compagnia assicurativa statunitense AIG. Questo passaggio mira a rafforzare la garanzia di qualità dei prodotti Hithium e fornire alla clientela servizi corrispondenti in modo celere, in linea con gli standard internazionali e con le normative locali dei singoli mercati.

27. 6. 2023

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BESS manufacturer Hithium debuts at EES, signs with Powin

Battery energy storage manufacturer Hithium appeared for the first time as an exhibitor at The Smarter E’s EES trade fair alongside Intersolar in Munich this week. The company announced its entry into the European market last month with an office opening in Munich, just as it surpassed 9 GWh total battery capacity delivered since the company was founded in 2019.

16. 6. 2023

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HiTHIUM signs with Powin to deliver stationary battery products

North American energy storage solutions provider Powin LLC (Powin) and battery manufacturer Hithium Energy Storage have agreed to a new partnership for the delivery of Hithium energy storage products. 1.5 GWh of battery capacity has been confirmed, with a further 3.5 GWh in upside potential.

16. 6. 2023

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Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium launches in Europe

Lithium-ion stationary battery producer Hithium is entering the European market, with the opening of an office in Munich and its first appearance at Intersolar Europe. The company has achieved top positioning in the battery energy storage (BESS) sector in its home market of China.

05. 6. 2023

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Manufacturer HiTHIUM debuts compact new 4 MWh battery container at CLEANPOWER

Lithium-ion battery solution provider HiTHIUM introduced a new 4 MWh liquid-cooled battery energy storage (BESS) product with its latest 300Ah cells technology at CLEANPOWER in New Orleans. The product features slower degradation and an extended lifespan, over 10% longer than a typical 280 Ah-based system.

25. 5. 2023

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Stationary battery specialist Hithium enters Australian market

Lithium-ion battery manufacturer Hithium is appearing at the Smart Energy Expo for the first time to officially launch its 2023 Australian market entry. Having achieved top positioning for stationary batteries in its home market of China, the company will introduce its core energy storage systems (ESS) products in Sydney, including those planned for both OEM and direct sales in Australia.

03. 5. 2023

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Un sistema di accumulo HiTHIUM dà stabilità a una centrale agrivoltaica da 78 MW 

Situata nella Mongolia Interna, lungo il Fiume Giallo, la centrale agrivoltaica della città di Baotou, con una potenza di 78 MW, include prodotti di accumulo energetico per stabilizzare l’energia che è in grado di fornire. Questo progetto consente di produrre energia sopra il livello del suolo e allo stesso tempo piantare in maniera meccanizzata sulla superficie, con moduli solari che riducono l’evaporazione superficiale e la salinizzazione del suolo, aumentando significativamente il valore di sfruttamento del terreno.

15. 5. 2023

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HiTHIUM fornisce BESS per la centrale di accumulo energetico standalone più grande in Cina

La più grande centrale di accumulo energetico in Cina, dotata di prodotti legati alle batterie HiTHIUM, è situata in un parco industriale della città di Zhongwei, nella regione del Ningxia, e ha una capacità di 400 MWh e un output di 1,33 miliardi di kWh annui.

08. 5. 2023

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Hithium hosts roundtable at the BNEF summit New York, discussing next generation battery energy storage system

From April 16th to 17th, the BloombergNEF (BNEF) Summit was held in New York, USA. The BNEF Summit brings together energy, finance, and technology professionals to facilitate the exchange of ideas, insights, and connections. Hithium's first time attending after its global launch in 2023. Hithium was also invited to host a roundtable discussion on the topic of "Next Generation Battery Energy Storage System: Latest Technology Trends and Impact on Project Economics." led by Hithium Director of Global Applications Engineering, Neil Bradshaw. The discussion focused on the future development trends of energy storage and included insights on Hithium's technology innovations, global application practices, and international development for global energy green transformation.

24. 4. 2024

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Hithium and Maxxen cooperate in exclusive strategic partnership in Türkiye

Stationary battery manufacturer Hithium and Maxxen, a 100 percent subsidiary of Kontek Energy, which has 30 years of energy industry experience have announced their exclusive strategic partnership at the Turkey launch of this cooperation on May 17, 2024, in Istanbul, Türkiye.

20. 5. 2024

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Hithium ranks in 2023’s Top 5 for global BESS shipments

Hithium has been ranked among the top five battery manufacturers in terms of energy storage products shipped in 2023 in a new analysis of 2023 stationary energy storage manufacturer shipments by the China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA). In addition, ranked as the No. 2 for utility-scale projects in its home market of China released by ESSA. Founded in 2019 with a focus exclusively on stationary batteries, Hithium first shipped products in 2022.

10. 4. 2024

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